
Here are the most recent papers from our research group (since 2019):

Aduomahor, B., Duarte, D., Wagner, T., Dunkley Jones, T. and Nicholson, U., 2025. Seismic stratigraphy of the Guinea Plateau before, during and after the opening of the Equatorial Atlantic Gateway. Geological Society, London, Special Publications553(1), pp.SP553-2024.

Nicholson, U., Powell, W., Gulick, S., Kenkmann, T., Bray, V.J., Duarte, D. and Collins, G.S., 2024. 3D anatomy of the Cretaceous–Paleogene age Nadir Crater. Communications Earth & Environment5(1), p.547.

de Jonge-Anderson, I., Ramachandran, H., Nicholson, U., Geiger, S., Widyanita, A. and Doster, F., 2024. Determining CO2 storage efficiency within a saline aquifer using reduced complexity models. Advances in Geo-Energy Research13(1), pp.22-31.

de Jonge‐Anderson, I., Widyanita, A., Busch, A., Doster, F. and Nicholson, U., 2024. New Insights into the structural and stratigraphic evolution of the Malay Basin using 3D seismic data: Implications for regional carbon capture and storage potential. Basin Research36(4), p.e12885.

Nicholson, U., Stow, D.A., Brackenridge, R.E., Miramontes, E. and Wåhlin, A., 2024. Introduction: Special issue on bottom currents and contourites: Processes, products and impact. Marine Geology469, p.107237.

Wilkin, J., Cuthbertson, A., Dawson, S., Stow, D., Stephen, K., Nicholson, U. and Penna, N., 2023. The response of high density turbidity currents and their deposits to an abrupt channel termination at a slope break: Implications for channel–lobe transition zones. Sedimentology70(4), pp.1164-1194.

McGill, P., Nicholson, U., Frei, D. and Macdonald, D., 2023. Defining Regional and Local Sediment Sources in the Ancestral Colorado River System: A Heavy Mineral Study of a Mixed Provenance Unit in the Fish Creek-Vallecito Basin, Southern California. Geosciences13(2), p.45.

Nishida, N., Itaki, T., Amano, A., Katayama, H., Sato, T., Stow, D. and Nicholson, U., 2022. Anatomy and dynamics of a mixed contourite sand sheet, Ryukyu Island Arc, northwestern Pacific Ocean. Marine Geology444, p.106707.

Nicholson, U., Bray, V.J., Gulick, S.P. and Aduomahor, B., 2022. The Nadir crater offshore West Africa: A candidate cretaceous-paleogene impact structure. Science Advances8(33), p.eabn3096.

Davies, S., Stow, D. and Nicholson, U., 2021. Late glacial to holocene sedimentary facies of the Eirik Drift, southern Greenland margin: Spatial and temporal variability and paleoceanographic implications. Marine Geology440, p.106568.

Brackenridge, R.E., Nicholson, U., Sapiie, B., Stow, D. and Tappin, D.R., 2020. Indonesian Throughflow as a preconditioning mechanism for submarine landslides in the Makassar Strait.

Nicholson, U., Libby, S., Tappin, D.R. and McCarthy, D., 2020. The Subantarctic Front as a sedimentary conveyor belt for tsunamigenic submarine landslides. Marine Geology424, p.106161.

Stow, D., Nicholson, U., Kearsey, S., Tatum, D., Gardiner, A., Ghabra, A. and Jaweesh, M., 2020. The Pliocene-Recent Euphrates river system: Sediment facies and architecture as an analogue for subsurface reservoirs. Energy Geoscience1(3-4), pp.174-193.

Nicholson, U., Libby, S., Tappin, D.R. and McCarthy, D., 2020. The Subantarctic Front as a sedimentary conveyor belt for tsunamigenic submarine landslides. Marine Geology424, p.106161.

Nicholson, U., Carter, A., Robinson, P. and Macdonald, D.I., 2019. Eocene–Recent drainage evolution of the Colorado River and its precursor: an integrated provenance perspective from SW California.